A new found passion and scholarship keep dreams on track

KD19 Ebony Kendrick IMG 2601 1x2


Ebony Kendrick

School of Arts and Sciences Dean’s Emergency Assistance Scholarship

Class of 2021: Human Resource Management and Digital Communications, Information, and Media


How did you decide on your major?

Currently, I am majoring in Human Resource Management and minoring in Digital Communications, Information, and Media (DCIM). I intend on completing my degree here at Rutgers and hopefully continuing on to graduate school to focus more on business, especially in the fashion industry.

What is it about your chosen field that appeals to you?

With the DCIM minor, I find that it will help me in communicating and working with other professionals through virtual platforms, especially if my future colleagues are located out of state or internationally.

What are your plans following graduation?

I have always had a love for fashion and business and I hope to pursue a career in that industry. 

How did this scholarship transform your educational experience?

Being that my freshman year I was really uncertain with I wanted to do and I felt very unhappy with my academics and my career plans, I really fell off my first year. It was not until the fall semester of my sophomore year that I really found myself excelling in not only my academics but in many aspects of my life. However, because of financial issues at home, my term bill was long overdue and I was almost positive I would have to hold off on attending school until I could pay that off. Thankfully someone in the Financial Aid Office suggested talking to the SAS advisors to see if anything could be done to help me. Sure enough, with their help and the SAS Dean’s Emergency Assistance Fund, the entirety of my balance was paid off just a week before the semester had begun. I will be eternally grateful for that considering that I had a newfound passion for my schoolwork and a deep love for this school and I honestly thought that would temporarily have to be taken away from me.

What did that mean to you?

I truly appreciate everything that has been done to help me and I have already shared with so many people in my life how happy I am about the assistance I have been given.

What has Rutgers made possible for you?

What is your favorite thing about Rutgers?I do not want to pinpoint one specific experience at Rutgers because I feel as if my overall experience here, so far, has been amazing. I went into college unsure if a degree was actually something I wanted to pursue. However, at Rutgers I believe I really found myself and began to figure out what I want to do with my life. Rutgers has also brought me amazing people and I find so much comfort in the campus and the Rutgers community. I currently live in Latin Images, a Living-Learning Community, on College Avenue which I can easily call my home away from home.